Tiro Kari: Zarton
Tiro Kari: Zarton by @Agondray

Here we the final character of my original “**Tiro Kari**” roster, as well the last entry of this series of old drawings. Behold the awesome might that is . . . **Zarton**! This guy is a major baddy in the world of Tiro Kari, as well as the main antagonist of my game idea. He is essentially a former warlord turned emperor of his own empire that he created from scratch. The subject of legends to his people, Zarton is a powerful, ambitious, and near ruthless individual with many accomplishments under his name . . . as well as a high kill count. Legends say that he started off as a young refugee of his once war torn country, escaping the violence and atrocities being committed by the militias of the various warlords vying for dominance. During his time as a refugee, it was said that he happened upon a hermit. This hermit was not only a master of martial arts, but was also a keeper of some mystic technique that allows one to harness one’s spiritual energy and transform it into power. Zarton was eager to learn both, in the hopes that they would give him the means to end the violence happening in his homeland. He quickly mastered both arts during his time with hermit, and soon began to develop new techniques to use his “**spirit aura**” in ways specifically meant for combat. This didn’t sit well for the hermit, as he tried to warn his disciple that the aura should not be used for selfish gain or malevolent ends. Zarton would not listen; and after a brief battle, left the hermit to rot and traveled home. There he challenged one of the warlords to a duel for his title, and killed him within a minute. The warlord’s soldiers then swore fealty to Zarton, either out respect or the more likely fear of his power. Thus, Zarton’s conquest to unify his homeland began. The conquests lasted for about half a decade; and one by one, the other warlords fell. Some surrendered to the mighty Zarton, but the majority of them were slain on the battlefield. After those 5 years, Zarton proclaimed himself emperor and led his now united country into an age of reconstruction, and eventually one of prosperity. But the mighty overlord was still hungry for more power. He began operations to expand his empire, coming into conflict with the surrounding nations and peoples. Because of his aggressive expansionist goals and questionable intentions, he was labeled such things as a tyrant or a dictator. Although his own people still love him, the same cannot be said for the rest of the world. As a way to appeal to the leaders of nearby countries (and to eliminate potential enemies), he has declared to host a competitive fighting tournament for those to test their strength, skill, and courage on the battlefield. If one fighter manages to successfully defeat ALL of their opponents, they will get to face the grand champion of the tournament . . . Zarton himself! In case you couldn’t tell, Zarton is kind of a big deal in his world. In fact, he was supposed to be the **main boss character** for my “Tiro Kari” game concept. He was supposed to have a fairly well-balanced fighting style; but having some extra buffs to his strength, endurance, stamina, and spirit stats. Yeah, he wouldn’t be easy to take down. Like most fighting game bosses; Zarton would be cheap, somewhat overpowered, and be able to react faster than most players can keep up with. Sort of fitting as the main villain. And that concludes my original “Tiro Kari characters” series of drawings. The concept for my fighting game project has changed since when I first came up with it. All the characters are going to need serious redesigns, information and history rewrites, and quite possibly name changes as well. I’ll also need to learn how to code and make video games before I can start working on this project again. And that’s just part of a big list of other projects that I just seem to have trouble finding time for nowadays. Maybe some day, when I do have time and the money for it, I’ll work on it again. One day. Anyways, what do guy/gals think of Zarton and this series as well? I’d appreciate any feedback!

Rough / Concept
34d13m ago
Other Work By @Agondray

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