Tiro Kari: Ironlimbs
Tiro Kari: Ironlimbs by @Agondray

For our penultimate entry in this series, we have the other “big-bodied” character.

This metal-forelimbed, walking tank is named Titorius; or as many call him . . . Ironlimbs! This hulking figure is known throughout the realm for his incredible strength, imposing figure, and solid metal appendages. All that muscle and bulk isn’t just for show either. He is notorious for being an incredibly powerful and effective enforcer for whomever he works for, usually dispatching or driving out unwanted individuals with relative ease. He isn’t above breaking bones or ripping off arms and legs to make his point if necessary either. Indeed, this goliath can be rather brutal in his dealings with potential enemies. Those who were unfortunate enough to face him that didn’t die are often left battered and broken afterwards in body and sometimes in mind as well. Because of this, very few even dare to challenge him at all. Those that do are either very brave and very foolish . . . or both.

Ironlimbs here was pretty much meant to be one of the main powerhouses for “Tiro Kari”. He would’ve fit either the main “Grappler” niche or just be a flat out “Big-Body” type of character. He is by far the absolute strongest character I’ve made for my fighting game concept, as well as one of the toughest. His strength and endurance stats would’ve been the highest among the other characters, allowing him to deal quite a lot of damage and being able to take a lot of it as well. Even his most basic attacks do a decent bit. He’s also supposed to be the heaviest, practically making it impossible to get him in another’s grapple. Speaking of which, his own grapples would be devastating and are a major part of his fighting style. Though like the other characters, Ironlimbs too has his drawbacks. He doesn’t really possess a projectile attack, and his speed and agility stats are very low due to his weight. But his biggest problem is that his stamina is absolutely pathetic. Having an over-muscled body, he’s capable of delivering the pain with his strength in short bursts, but is unable to sustain the momentum for long. Therefore, when potentially playing as him; it would be wise to use his moves sparingly, as otherwise you would exhaust his stamina bar very quickly. But to anyone who could master his playstyle, he would truly be a force to reckon with!

Aside from a small redesign, I might also change his name to something like “Goliath” or “Titan” in the future, whenever I have time and skill to make a fighting game.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this guy!

Fun fact: When I first created Ironlimbs, I originally intended for him to be a sub-boss character. An opponent you’d face before the main boss character. But as the years rolled by, I decided to have him be a potential unlockable character for the playable. Though, I feel he may still act as a mini-boss from time to time.

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