Tiro Kari: Garaku
Tiro Kari: Garaku by @Agondray

Next up, is the obligatory demon character!

This one is known as . . . Garaku! This guy was essentially the “good guy turns evil” or just flat out “dark side-embracing” kind of character. He has quite the history with Shiriyu and Tinika, and I don’t mean that because of them being the same species. No, Garaku was in fact a former student of the very master that taught and raised both of them. The only difference is that this guy defied the wishes of their master and broke the very code that the “siblings” hold dear. Garaku craved combat and bloodshed, and saw that code as little more than a restrictive set of pathetic guidelines meant to hinder a warrior’s true potential. It despised it and his former master so much that he stormed in the latter’s dojo one night to challenge to a brutal fight to the death . . . which Garaku had won. Since that day, he has pretty much been traveling day and night searching for worthy opponents to fight and defeat. He especially looks forward to the day when he comes face-to-face with “the twins” when they prove to be strong and fierce enough for his liking. There are rumors that he sacrificed his own soul to a malicious demon in exchange for a vestige that would grant him power to become one of the strongest warriors in existence. Whether these rumors are true or not, none can really say for sure. It is possible, but remains unconfirmed.

Okay I’m going to be honest here. When I first created this character, I based him heavily on Akuma from Street Fighter. With that said, I suppose Garaku here was most likely going to be a “Glass Cannon” type of fighter. His fighting style would have been mostly similar to Shiriyu’s and Tinika’s, but with a much heavier focus on offense and special moves. He would’ve been able to deal significant amounts of damage to his opponents, but at the cost of very low endurance. Im definitely going to give him a rework if I ever work on this game concept of mine, as I have grown a little fond of Garaku.

I don’t know, what do you guys/gals think?

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