El Thorvaldo Moderator

Raevyllke banner
Raevyllke banner by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Tonight on Thor Mucks With Shapes, a graphic symbol for the kingdom of Raevyllke in Ailedhoo's third and most original IOT spin-off, Intrigue of Magic.

I tells ya, just when I think I can finally break free of certain thematic constants, a) Ail plops down a rule stating you can't play as humans, and b) one of the preset races is lycanthropes. It's like they purposely goad me... Not-so-coincidentally, "Raevyllke" is derived from the Norwegian words rev and fylke; taken together, it literally translates as 'fox county'.

This whole thing was drawn basically freehand, and as such the angles are all over the damn place, but as long as you don't stare too long it'll still look semi-pro. The red decoration has absolutely no meaning whatsoever; given the kingdom's unusual political structure, the banner is almost certainly some proto-national symbol rather than a royal icon.

UPDATE 3-9-22: Downloadable vector available in the SVG Legacy Flag Pack!

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt August 2013.]

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