Tiro Kari: Caroline
Tiro Kari: Caroline by @Agondray

Already about halfway through this, phew!😮‍💨

Next up we have . . . Caroline! She is popular and fairly well-known music star and entertainer. She’s a quite the celebrity in her home country, and isn’t afraid to show off whenever she gets the opportunity. She can come off as rather arrogant by some, and may seem like a spoiled and entitled brat to people outside her sphere of influence (like any other celebrity). This isn’t to say that she’s just a pretty face, though. She has been taking a martial arts course or two to make sure she doesn’t get attacked by crazy fans or real super psychos. Even then, her combat prowess is another thing that she likes to show off. Although by no means a true master, she has demonstrated to be competent enough to go toe-to-toe with some more experienced fighters, to the surprise of many. She’s so confident in her abilities, in fact, that she even signed up to join a fighting tournament to add a big boost to her already successful career. This decision does have some fans and her managers worried, though. Especially considering the “sketchy” atmosphere of the tournament itself, as well as the reputation of some of the other competitors being questionable at best.

Out of all the original cast for my “Tiro Kari” game idea, Caroline was definitely supposed to be the most lighthearted out of them, as well as having the most fun personality. Considering that she wasn’t meant to be nearly as strong or tough as some of the other characters, I feel like she would most likely have been a “Footsie” type of fighter. She doesn’t rely too much on keeping her distance, but does need to maintain a fair amount to deal damage to her opponents while also avoiding taking a lot herself. A lot of her moves and specials would work best at mid-range, fitting her fighting style. I think she would be a decent choice for people who like to fight from further away, but not rely a ton on projectiles.

What are thoughts on her?

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