Obligatory dragon art
Obligatory dragon art by @ragukokarn

Meh. The UV's broke from the Zbrush conversion and I really just wanted to finish this middle of the road thing. Whatever.

Finished Work
58d4h ago
Other Work By @ragukokarn

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 01 August, 2024 @ 07:53 PM

There's a delightful irony that the knight looks like he's wearing a heat suit. ;P

I don't know if it's the intended effect but I quite like the underglow.

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2024 @ 05:40 PM

@Thorvald: Hah! Yeah, it sorta looks like that.. it makes sense in a way 😎 The story behind this was to try make everything come together but not spend ages on each part separately. You know; in case it doesn't even work to export X to Y and all that.

I got a pretty good grip on how to work with Marmoset to my advantage now. It does work like I wanted it to now.

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