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Trying out Side7- Hi!! - Started by: YanguLaRoo
Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 06:25 PM

Hello everyone! I'm acting as a scout of sorts for myself and my friends who miss what deviantART used to be. I've seen several comments across the internet that recommend Side7 and Newgrounds. Upon looking into it.... I realized I made an account here about a year ago and posted a sketch animatic 😅 . Probably for the same reasons I'm looking into it now- deviantART somehow keeps making more site decisions that I don't like. This time I was unable to edit my animation commissions journal without switching to the new format- which completely destroys the format and I'm unable to resize the animated examples next to the pricing.

But gifs work just fine here, I can already see! I think dA is trying to get away from html editing all together? Anyway-

I'm currently steeped into Art Fight for the month, my main focus is on animation and improving my animatic abilities.

So far I really like the functionality of Side7. What are some of your favorite and not-so-favorite things about the site?

Seeya around!

RE: Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 06:38 PM

Welcome to Side7. c:

RE: Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 08:00 PM

Welcome to Side 7! Glad you've returned. 😃 If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to hit me up!

-- BK

RE: Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 10:26 PM

The number one best feature of Side 7 (design-wise): it runs cleaner than any other art site I'm on. This shift toward up-to-the-nanosecond social media connectivity has led to ridiculous JavaScript bloat, to the point I've had DeviantArt literally crash my browser from overtaxing the hardware. S7 remembers it's an art host first and foremost, eschewing the frills to get you from 'login' to 'upload' and/or 'view' with minimal wait.

The number one best feature organizationally: its leadership. I arrived here in late 2022, several months after the debacle; having endured a decade of deterioriating management on dA and disappointment with InkBlot's direction, this seemed a too-good-to-be-true oasis with a staff that actually had its head on straight. This more than anything else has been my motivation to promote the site, and when I learned BK was basically piloting the ship solo, I volunteered for modship in anticipation of an immigration surge—which started the very next month.

The only real criticism is that features aren't up to par with other sites, yet at the same time it does the technics better than flashier platforms. And given BK is the sole dev and turned out more features last year than InkBlot's fixed bugs since its closed beta, he's more than earned credit. :3

So, welcome back—even before I was inducted into staff, I've been touting Side 7 as the dAlternative we were clamouring for all the way back amid the Webcams fiasco in 2015. B^D

RE: Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 11:20 PM
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edit on 11 Jul 2024, 11:35 PM.

Welcome to Side7!

I tried side7 initially as one of deviantart's alternatives and replacements that I use following Buzzly's drama ruined Buzzlyart for even me(other artsites I joined includes but not limited to: Inkblot(I gives up this cuz Inkblot was too buggy for even me), Itaku, etc) as I wait for Artspacious to goes online(I'm confident that Artspacious will eventually see the light of the day, unless confirmed otherwise)

with side7's modernizations such as Group feature and so on, I can active more in this site and salvage anything I used to post to Deviantart into this site

speaking of other deviantart's alternatives: Artfol will got new UI,'s one, not to be confused with original or Yooco one, as Yooco's sheezyart was closer to original Sheezyart than Ry's Sheezyart) doesn't like me, and I can adapt to Cara with little problems

RE: Trying out Side7- Hi!!
Posted: 11 Jul 2024, 11:20 PM
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edit on 18 Jul 2024, 12:41 AM.

my favorite: it's so far closest thing other artsites are like Oldschool deviantart( may be closer, but it's dev doesn't like me)

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