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Gallery folders/organisation features - Started by: Polar-Tang
Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 18 May 2023, 06:37 PM

Hi, I'm reasonably new to the site so I'm not sure if this topic has come up before, but I'd really like to suggest adding some gallery organisation features to the site in the future. I'm a long time deviantart user and one of the features I liked about the site (well, the pre-eclipse version) is their gallery folder and organisation options and I'd like to see something in a similar vein here!

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 18 May 2023, 07:08 PM

Hi there! Thank you for the suggestion.

So, the site has Portfolios, where you can group and organize your art how you'd like. You can see examples of it in my gallery here. You can manage Portfolios by going to Account -> Manage Gallery -> Portfolios.

How do you see folders being different from the Portfolios? I've never messed with the folders feature on dA, so I'm not 100% up on how they handled them.
-- BK

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 18 May 2023, 08:29 PM

Ohh, I completely missed this feature, it's pretty much what I was looking for, thank you!

In this case, may I make another suggestion? Would it be possible to add subfolders to the existing portfolios for further organisation? If I made a general 'art for others' portfolio for example, I could then have subfolders inside it to separate commissioned art, trades and gifts etc?

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 18 May 2023, 08:59 PM

I will put it on my list. :)
-- BK

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 20 May 2023, 04:23 PM
I've never messed with the folders feature on dA, so I'm not 100% up on how they handled them.

As I'd mentioned way back when, the only major difference between Portfolios here and dA's gallery folders is the ability to manually reorder their display after upload. InkBlot doesn't allow this, and B*zzly never did in the term I was there. Given you added sorting options by artist and title, you've already gone to lengths dA never did; in theory a fourth option could sort pieces based on a user-specified order tied to the folder (so the uploader's portfolio index doesn't conflict with a user's Favourites, for example).

The main consideration, of course, is ensuring such indexes have logical protocols for ordering new additions without discrete positions and/or determining priority for items using the same number.

dA also allows custom thumbnails for the folder icons themselves, but that's not a priority.

(P.S.: Subfolders are a premium feature on dA, so adding them here, Credit-perk or otherwise, is an easy leg up. :^) )

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 20 May 2023, 06:42 PM
As I'd [mentioned]( way back when, the only major difference between Portfolios here and dA's gallery folders is the ability to manually reorder their display after upload.

Oh true. That's right. I had forgotten that.

Given you added sorting options by artist *and* title, you've already gone to lengths dA never did; in theory a fourth option could sort pieces based on a user-specified order tied to the folder (so the uploader's portfolio index doesn't conflict with a user's Favourites, for example). The main consideration, of course, is ensuring such indexes have logical protocols for ordering new additions without discrete positions and/or determining priority for items using the same number.

The custom ordering isn't technically difficult. The UI is the more difficult part, for me. Drag and drop interfaces aren't the simplest of things, especially when dealing with a database.

dA also allows custom thumbnails for the folder icons themselves, but that's not a priority.

Already on my very long to-do list.

(P.S.: Subfolders are a premium feature on dA, so adding them here, Credit-perk or otherwise, is an easy leg up. :^) )

Good to know. :)
-- BK

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 20 May 2023, 07:37 PM
Drag and drop interfaces aren't the simplest of things, especially when dealing with a database.

Aside but as someone with a pedantic logic to grouping his tags, being able to rearrange the bubbles instead of manually typing them out in replacement order would be a godsend to editing. :B

RE: Gallery folders/organisation features
Posted: 20 May 2023, 08:41 PM

Duly noted. :)
-- BK

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