aight i edited these with a drawing app so some elements will look weird lol but it’s just to explain the idea better,,,,
basically add a sidebar to clear the top bar and get rid of the “browse” and “fun” buttons, add a huge submit button to make being able to post faster and easier, right now i feel like new users who are not accustomed to the site might get confused on how to post things, i added the credit store on the side bar to give it more visibility, this way new users might get a hang of credits faster too, i recently found out about the credits system just because Thorvald mentioned it to me on a comment,, and i’ve been here for more than a year XD
i put a button for the museum on the top bar too,,, i know the notification system is in the works, one of the issues with the current system is that it can get spammy when users upload multiple things a day, and this is where i think the museum can help with that, so, split the notifications, museum for other users uploads and the bell for likes,comments and forum posts.
also i believe the museum could get a redesign? honestly i never use it because,, well, the notifications already tell me what users have uploaded and it takes away the need to check it
i almost forget to mention - but the friends feed could get fused with the museum, currently the user menu has the friends feed and museum button and more buttons make the site look cluttered and a bit confusing (atleast for me)
instead of having the notification list saying “user has uploaded a journal”, “user has uploaded a new piece” it could be this instead: the museum button gets that small icon with the number of new posts, then on the museum page the newest posts will have an indicator that they have not been seen by the user, maybe a different border color, a small icon on a corner,,, idk i haven’t thought of it- also it would be great if we had the option to look at an user’s submissions as stacks
i’ll take deviantart as an example for stack display, when an user posts, say, 4 images it will show in the feed as only the most recent one, but upon hovering it tells you how many recent entries there are, you click on it and it shows all the newest art from that user