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What are you wearing? - Started by: BatmanWilliams
RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 06 Mar 2024, 07:16 PM

CW dress shirt or blouse, dark monochrome skirt, regular socks, dark shoes, hairband, and a periwinkle sweater around my waist

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 12 Mar 2024, 08:33 PM

I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 13 Mar 2024, 05:20 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 13 Mar 2024, 10:58 AM.
I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.

I had a situation just like that once but in reverse. I was giving the shirts away, they were for a homeless clothing drive and it wasn't known what they said. Well, no more of that. Too much alienation to risk that again.

Currently wearing a midnight blue and white pinstripe dress shirt type of shirt with a peach coloured sweater around my shoulders, black pants, short white socks, and white shoes

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 09 Apr 2024, 08:53 PM
I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.
I had a situation just like that once but in reverse. I was giving the shirts away, they were for a homeless clothing drive and it wasn't known what they said. Well, no more of that. Too much alienation to risk that again. Currently wearing a midnight blue and white pinstripe dress shirt type of shirt with a peach coloured sweater around my shoulders, black pants, short white socks, and white shoes

Where would you have gotten all specifically that kind of thing for a drive? It sounds more like your supplier scammed you.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 05:23 AM
I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.
I had a situation just like that once but in reverse. I was giving the shirts away, they were for a homeless clothing drive and it wasn't known what they said. Well, no more of that. Too much alienation to risk that again. Currently wearing a midnight blue and white pinstripe dress shirt type of shirt with a peach coloured sweater around my shoulders, black pants, short white socks, and white shoes
Where would you have gotten all specifically that kind of thing for a drive? It sounds more like your supplier scammed you.

As per the system, the shirts had to start out blank, had to have a design imprinted on them by the time they reached the event, and I guess it was easy to mix up unknown symbols with non-symbols. All I know is that right now I'm wearing asexual-flag-based colours, a light purple sleeveless jumper dress over a purple polo, black legwear, short white socks, grey shoes, and a ponytail.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 06:47 AM

Ragged, black tank top, black and dark grey paisley lounge pants, sprawled over a dark green Lacoste comforter.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 09:19 PM

Jean shirt, black jeans, light blue socks, dark blue sneakers, dark blue glasses, ponytail, green sweater tied around my waist

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 15 Apr 2024, 11:52 PM
I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.
I had a situation just like that once but in reverse. I was giving the shirts away, they were for a homeless clothing drive and it wasn't known what they said. Well, no more of that. Too much alienation to risk that again. Currently wearing a midnight blue and white pinstripe dress shirt type of shirt with a peach coloured sweater around my shoulders, black pants, short white socks, and white shoes
Where would you have gotten all specifically that kind of thing for a drive? It sounds more like your supplier scammed you.
As per the system, the shirts had to start out blank, had to have a design imprinted on them by the time they reached the event, and I guess it was easy to mix up unknown symbols with non-symbols. All I know is that right now I'm wearing asexual-flag-based colours, a light purple sleeveless jumper dress over a purple polo, black legwear, short white socks, grey shoes, and a ponytail.

Are you asexual though (I honestly didn't know that existed, don't kill me :( I thought that was a technical thing, not judging).

Guessing that's not good for times like this, I've worn swimming clothes all day.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 16 Apr 2024, 12:34 PM

Purple shirt, blue jeans and I got new sneakers from someone they didn't fit anymore. They're black with purple accents. Fits very nicely since I have to wear purple for my work uniform. I have a rubber glove tying my belt loops together because pants are too big and I can't find my belts. Im wearing a name tag with little Ness and Porky charms on it. <3

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 17 Apr 2024, 02:05 AM


After reading a couple of posts in this thread, all I'm saying is Kulashnir Abashlir.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 17 Apr 2024, 04:40 AM
I'm wearing some Japanese t-shirt I got from a vendor a week ago along with shorts and sandals. Was told an hour ago my shirt has slurs in Japanese on it and feel embarrassed. I feel like poop and would rant about it if I hadn't just accidentally closed my window with the full rant.
I had a situation just like that once but in reverse. I was giving the shirts away, they were for a homeless clothing drive and it wasn't known what they said. Well, no more of that. Too much alienation to risk that again. Currently wearing a midnight blue and white pinstripe dress shirt type of shirt with a peach coloured sweater around my shoulders, black pants, short white socks, and white shoes
Where would you have gotten all specifically that kind of thing for a drive? It sounds more like your supplier scammed you.
As per the system, the shirts had to start out blank, had to have a design imprinted on them by the time they reached the event, and I guess it was easy to mix up unknown symbols with non-symbols. All I know is that right now I'm wearing asexual-flag-based colours, a light purple sleeveless jumper dress over a purple polo, black legwear, short white socks, grey shoes, and a ponytail.
Are you asexual though (I honestly didn't know that existed, don't kill me :( I thought that was a technical thing, not judging). Guessing that's not good for times like this, I've worn swimming clothes all day.

Yes, 100% (and no that doesn't mean not being male or female, it means something different in botany as it does in humans, in case that's what you thought it means). I get this question surprisingly often, sometimes pointing to starter guides when I can, especially in social settings like today's prom (hence the jean jacket over the color-changing dress from earlier today, not that I changed) where they kept trying to skip over me as prom queen despite winning prom because they thought I was just taking the spot of someone who could have a more romantic aura about it. The body leaves no limit on what one can be born with or without.

Whheeew. After reading a couple of posts in this thread, all I'm saying is Kulashnir Abashlir.


RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 18 Apr 2024, 11:22 PM
Whheeew. After reading a couple of posts in this thread, all I'm saying is Kulashnir Abashlir.

My fault probably/partially, I typically respond to these threads right before I go to bed, so my mind isn't always in a comprehensible frame, especially if I've already taken my sleep meds.

Fittingly currently wearing Dragon Ball GT pajamas.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 04:09 PM

A big, smushy, long-sleeved, black sweater with jeans. Comes with the usual socks and sneakers.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 07:13 AM

Currently wearing a cosplay of Gloria from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Completely unplanned but then noticed how much it looked like a cosplay and I realized all I had to do was add one item to make it accurate.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 03 May 2024, 08:08 PM
Currently wearing a cosplay of Gloria from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Completely unplanned but then noticed how much it looked like a cosplay and I realized all I had to do was add one item to make it accurate.

That's an oddly specific thing to not plan. Usually (like this week) my unplanned cosplays are cosplays of my various internet avatars.

Speaking of, who actually wears their avatar stuff? Am I the only one who picks out something like a snoo appearance and hesitates if I don't/wouldn't wear something? I couldn't tell you how many people choose something but then are like "not my thing".

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 04 May 2024, 12:41 AM

Pierce the Veil shirt and Hello Kitty pajama pants

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 04 May 2024, 04:38 AM

I'm wearing a mint green nightgown. I had it for 7 years.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 14 May 2024, 06:47 PM
Currently wearing a cosplay of Gloria from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Completely unplanned but then noticed how much it looked like a cosplay and I realized all I had to do was add one item to make it accurate.
That's an oddly specific thing to not plan. Usually (like this week) my unplanned cosplays are cosplays of my various internet avatars. Speaking of, who actually wears their avatar stuff? Am I the only one who picks out something like a snoo appearance and hesitates if I don't/wouldn't wear something? I couldn't tell you how many people choose something but then are like "not my thing".

I am actually the reverse, the latter is based on the former, which might explain the first thing you mentioned. Oddly I've noticed people think this is deceptive (why?), like there's a long (misguided) review about me floating around and one of the emphasized points is "look at what she looks like, now look at the clothing she mentions wearing, by all accounts it doesn't make sense", and it's ordained by SM's on DA. So I might change. But right now, wearing a white plaid shirt, jeans, blue glasses, and a hair bandanna in the design of the Pitcairn flag, cuz patriotism.

RE: What are you wearing?
Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 06:26 PM

Hey cool, they added an image feature to these forums now. Now we can answer in images.

^ What I'm currently wearing due to it being normal here.

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