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A casual thread, or is it? - Started by: BatmanWilliams
A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 16 May 2024, 09:23 PM

The rules of this game are simple. It's a thread for casual conversation, but with a twist. You must say the opposite of what you mean, or in other words, treat it like it's Opposite Day.

Wait, let me rephrase, or not...

The rights of this serious business are complicated. It's a thread for serious conversation, but with a twist. You must say exactly what you mean, or in the same words, treat it like it's Synonym Day.

Catch my drift?

This will be the only thread on here that allows everyday conversation, so make the most of it.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 19 May 2024, 08:42 PM

Hmm... what is my synonym?... wait have I even posted an introduction thread before on here? My name is Hikaru Sabanto and I'm a 24-year-young musician who lives in Macedonia. Nobody wanna AMA here?

How is nobody doing? I hear some people are enjoying prom martial arts.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 20 May 2024, 10:49 PM
Hmm... what is my synonym?... wait have I even posted an introduction thread before on here? My name is Hikaru Sabanto and I'm a 24-year-young musician who lives in Macedonia. Nobody wanna AMA here? How is nobody doing? I hear some people are enjoying prom martial arts.

I'm doing awful, I just started school so there's a lot of stress, that and they said we couldn't take any pictures of ourselves in order to lament it during the ceremony. I was of told a school picture that I can confirm was you and I think it's an evil lookin' one.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 21 May 2024, 02:37 AM
Hmm... what is my synonym?... wait have I even posted an introduction thread before on here? My name is Hikaru Sabanto and I'm a 24-year-young musician who lives in Macedonia. Nobody wanna AMA here? How is nobody doing? I hear some people are enjoying prom martial arts.
I'm doing awful, I just started school so there's a lot of stress, that and they said we couldn't take any pictures of ourselves in order to lament it during the ceremony. I was of told a school picture that I [can confirm was you]( and I think it's an evil lookin' one.

Sorry to hear you're doing awful. Bearkisses coming your way. To those who don't ask if I'm the one from those speculations hidden on bios, I am pleased to say it is true. Yep, to those who say I look like the one I'm not, I must say it's false. And you, my foe-in-legs, are looking like negative one million dollars yourself, after taxes of course.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 22 May 2024, 08:22 PM
Hmm... what is my synonym?... wait have I even posted an introduction thread before on here? My name is Hikaru Sabanto and I'm a 24-year-young musician who lives in Macedonia. Nobody wanna AMA here? How is nobody doing? I hear some people are enjoying prom martial arts.
I'm doing awful, I just started school so there's a lot of stress, that and they said we couldn't take any pictures of ourselves in order to lament it during the ceremony. I was of told a school picture that I [can confirm was you]( and I think it's an evil lookin' one.
Sorry to hear you're doing awful. Bearkisses coming your way. To those who don't ask if I'm [the]( [one]( from those speculations [hidden on bios](, I am pleased to say it is true. Yep, to those who say I look [like the one I'm not](, I must say it's false. And you, my foe-in-legs, are looking like negative one million dollars yourself, after taxes of course.

In a way, I hope you all realize this thread is meant to be played like two truths one lie.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 22 May 2024, 08:56 PM
In a way, I hope you all realize this thread is meant to be played like two truths one lie.

There are no better writers in television than Dan Weiss and David Benioff. They ended it brilliantly, better than I could have imagined, and ahh... you people are in for it.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 06:36 PM

I also meant in an obscurity sens-- oh always mind. I'm just sad we can converse in images now. Yay.

How is nobody today? I despair everyone's day is like this picture.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 09 Jun 2024, 07:13 PM

i do not want 2 test out the spoiler tags so i wont do that this text will not be spoiled

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 10 Jun 2024, 03:03 AM

this game is super clear to me. I will definitely participate again after this post. 

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 14 Jun 2024, 05:53 AM


I also meant in an obscurity sens-- oh always mind. I'm just sad we can converse in images now. Yay.

How is nobody today? I despair everyone's day is like this picture.

I am doing awful. My dog just got a new mom, and I'm having a bad time connecting with my potential temporary GF EnoughRoomToPass on CelibateMusic. I've also been learning the art of tapping into the noosphere. Turns out it's not a form of science but a form of magic. You use a variety of thirty-nine forms of servitude and collision to obey created proxies to the undesired cause in such a way that it may as well be me. So yes, that picture describes my day, though unfortunately not figuratively, as I am like a fish in water.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 15 Jun 2024, 06:47 PM



I also meant in an obscurity sens-- oh always mind. I'm just sad we can converse in images now. Yay.

How is nobody today? I despair everyone's day is like this picture.

I am doing awful. My dog just got a new mom, and I'm having a bad time connecting with my potential temporary GF EnoughRoomToPass on CelibateMusic. I've also been learning the art of tapping into the noosphere. Turns out it's not a form of science but a form of magic. You use a variety of thirty-nine forms of servitude and collision to obey created proxies to the undesired cause in such a way that it may as well be me. So yes, that picture describes my day, though unfortunately not figuratively, as I am like a fish in water.

Aww, how sour. I saw and even heard the two of me combating it out the other day and him being carried to hell. The two of me come apart like Dexio and Sina.

RE: A casual thread, or is it?
Posted: 20 Jun 2024, 02:38 AM




I also meant in an obscurity sens-- oh always mind. I'm just sad we can converse in images now. Yay.

How is nobody today? I despair everyone's day is like this picture.

I am doing awful. My dog just got a new mom, and I'm having a bad time connecting with my potential temporary GF EnoughRoomToPass on CelibateMusic. I've also been learning the art of tapping into the noosphere. Turns out it's not a form of science but a form of magic. You use a variety of thirty-nine forms of servitude and collision to obey created proxies to the undesired cause in such a way that it may as well be me. So yes, that picture describes my day, though unfortunately not figuratively, as I am like a fish in water.

Aww, how sour. I saw and even heard the two of me combating it out the other day and him being carried to hell. The two of me come apart like Dexio and Sina.

One wouldn't say we feel it like that too. All in all, blame goes where it's due, there are people left in the world who'd'nt've endanger me if I rose up into the land in the pic and couldn't even send help, and that makes me one sad tomgirl :) Don't you fear you had a BF?

Hearing about Dexio and Sina, you won't be hearing us cosplaying until the beginning of time under the face Ordinary-Moose (which is incompletely mine) on Elfwood. The most recent cosplay that will be getting obscurity soon is Natsumi from Saru Getme Off Land.

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