@Agondray || Journal Entry

Okay . . . so this happened.
09 Dec 2023, 05:34 PM

I went out to the kitchen this morning at around 11:36AM and was just talking to mom for a little bit, when all of a sudden my dog starts barking near the backyard door. My parents and I went to look out and spotted 2 or 3 hunters trekking through the woods in our backyard . . . ON OUR PROPERTY!

About 30 minutes later, my dog barks again. This time at the front door. Next thing I know, I see a whole herd of deer run out in the fields near where our driveway connects to the road! My dad stated earlier that he thinks those hunters were probably trying to drive some deer into a set spot. Looks like that idea didn’t go as planned.

Now here’s the thing! NO ONE came up to our house to ask for permission to hunt deer on our property for the WHOLE season! So not only were those hunters practically trespassing on our property, they were also potentially putting peoples’ and pets’ lives at risk! I actually wonder who else they neglected to notify about their activities!

My god, I HATE how people can be so stupid or careless like that! Pardon my language, but . . . What the absolute fuck!

Comments (2)

Posted: Saturday, 09 December, 2023 @ 06:56 PM

As a hunter, and a home owner, it really pisses me off when people trespass. Whether or not you post signs around your property, they know their boundaries, and they know they're obligated to ask and receive your consent to hunt there. There's no excuse for them to invade your turf, and I do personally know folks who would shoot on sight if strangers appeared in their yard. PA has Castle Law; it's exceptionally stupid to fuck around here, where a homeowner is legally permitted to use lethal force if they feel their life is in danger due to an invader on their property. Venison tastes like garbage, any way, so it's really not worth the risk. FAFO

Posted: Tuesday, 12 December, 2023 @ 12:25 AM

@Cynicallia: Sorry for the late response!

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you on all of that! I’ve actually started looking up ways to try to prevent something like this from happening again. They were things that ranged simple sign posting and barrier making to setting up motion cameras. The latter supposedly helps in terms of acquiring evidence to help convict them if need be. But still, they REALLY shouldn’t have been there to begin with!

My dad and grandfather were talking about it that night on our way to a restaurant. Aside from some of the stuff I already mentioned, they were also talking about their opinions on drive hunting and how some hunters literally park their trucks on the side of the road or on a piece of land that may or may not be someone else’s property. On the latter, my dad speculated that at least most of those deer hunters could’ve been from a city like Pittsburgh, so they either didn’t know or simply didn’t care about land laws. In regards to the former, both my dad and I are against the practice. I remember him saying that some would chase the deer out, and someone else shoots them all from a set spot, just to fill in some tags. Those hunters would end up killing a lot of said deer for one year, but then complain about how they can’t find any for the next several years. It’s like “gee, I wonder why?”. Honestly, there’s just NO sense of sport behind the practice!

I haven’t had venison by itself, but I do remember trying some jerky made from it. I didn’t think it was bad, I kinda liked it. Although, I wouldn’t say venison would be my first choice if I was in the mood for meat.

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