@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

Why I'm never a fan of puritians in general + Etc
24 Mar 2024, 11:18 PM

I personally don't get it really, especially when some men tell women to cover up the most, which I also see as bogus most of the time, and as an excuse to mistreat them however they want, Religion included. I'm also not a fan of freeing the nipple either since I don't want people going to jail over it, imo. But whatever, my country's full of puritians most of the time anyways, telling women what they can and can't do while making excuses to take away their rights and crap while also saying it's ok for women to have an OF, it's seriously so contradicting it's insane. I sometimes wonder how I fell in love for some guys to begin with, when some of them would end up being horrible/nasty just because I exist. I honestly believe that men have too much power to fail too, even since history, mostly men in power if course, reddit mods don't count imho. I still question why some American men believe they have it much worse than women, it's kind of insulting imo, especially since men mistreated women since history for again, bogus reasons. I also don't understand some women defending awful men either, alongside women needlessly being jerks to each other for petty stuff too. I just wish gender war crap ends one day, but human nature will make it keep going. //////////// Thanks for reading my journal everyone. I might make a social commentary drawing against gender wars and internet IDs.

Comments (3)

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2024 @ 01:19 PM

Men mistreating women, ensuring women are relegated to the status of property or second-class citizen, and acting like it's a woman's fault when men choose to act inappropriately is disgusting and something that I wish would change. I will always vote for more equality and protections for women.

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2024 @ 02:10 PM

@BadKarma: Ikr, I want women to be treated better too tbh, some powerful men really need to get a grip and go down a peg once in a while. I’m also tired of mgtow men too, they’re also pretty annoying and whiny for no reason imho.

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2024 @ 10:36 PM

@N0-11: A friend of mine became iconic for a recurring satire of militant feminism in IOT, and ran a game premised on a script flip where following an apocalypse scenario, men entrench themselves as a "protected class" for the purpose of biological survival, making women do all the work... with the result they become relegated to glorified livestock amid a matriarchal order that evolves around them, culminating in the "Great Divorce" with Men and Women literally splitting off into separate societies. (I actually joined on the side of the Women.) This was back in 2014, right before Gamergate blew the lid off our current """debate""", and what read as parody then has become depressingly mainstream today—tl;dr she accidentally predicted MGTOW. Llama Emoji-06 (Depress) (V1)

I finally saw the Barbie movie, and Gloria's speech hits hard. Like, every time I read the sort of bile being vomited by people like Lobster Daddy, I ask: "You had mothers, didn't you?" Is it really that hard to treat people as people?

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