@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

People who complain about a website, then keeps using it
22 May 2024, 09:37 AM

I really don’t understand people who talk like this, or worse, some will just make unhinged serious claims about a website they hate and won’t show proof of any kind, I always take serious thrown around claims with a bitter grain of salt too. But yeah, I always block people that just endlessly screech about a website they hate (like minds for example, but that’s inevitable tbh) then they claim all sorts or unhinged crap about a site, without proof, which will make me think they’re just making up scapegoats at this point. That’s all really, I just wanted to talk about this topic, since I only see this example on Minds, which again, is inevitable imo.

Comments (5)

Posted: Wednesday, 22 May, 2024 @ 01:26 PM

I never understood that mentality. Or the behavior of loudly announcing your departure from the website like that's going to cause Earth-shattering consequences.

Posted: Wednesday, 22 May, 2024 @ 05:09 PM

@BadKarma: I don’t get that either tbh, it won’t do anything.

Posted: Wednesday, 22 May, 2024 @ 06:02 PM
Posted: Thursday, 23 May, 2024 @ 01:08 AM

@Thorvald: I mean, I have my many gripes with YouTube too tbh, but that’s why I use other video sharing sites, just in case something happens on YouTube, you’re fine Thorvald, I usually mean individuals constantly fussing about a site they hate using 24/7, without changing the subject of their posts, or refusing to move away from the site from a bit.

Posted: Thursday, 23 May, 2024 @ 04:49 PM

@N0-11: Ah, the people clinging on as an act of spite. Lord do I know that type...

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