@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

Working on scholarships, so art posting will be slow
13 Jul 2024, 05:35 PM

Basically what the title of this journal says, art will be slowing down because I'll be busy signing for scholarships, I'll only listen to random stuff on Invidious and on my Motorola razor plus phone too.

(There may be some wips that I'll post on my Vk and such and that's it really.)

Comments (9)

Posted: Saturday, 13 July, 2024 @ 07:48 PM

Understandable, have a good fundraiser. HAV - Elizabeth I of England


I wish I could remember where I first learned about Invidious. Originally I used it as a workaround for region-blocking and """mature""" videos (such as classic memes), but as the ad bloat became insufferable it's now my first recourse. Last month was the first I went to the YouTube front page in ages, and good God it's like every major website is out to murder its search function these days. HAV - Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Gozon

Posted: Saturday, 13 July, 2024 @ 08:48 PM

@Thorvald: Yeah, and I thought Google messed up their search function on purpose tbh.

(I sometimes call YouYube Yoogle because they're bought out by Google)

Posted: Saturday, 13 July, 2024 @ 09:19 PM

@N0-11: ooh I'm saving that! XD

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2024 @ 03:23 AM



Are you going back to Uni?

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2024 @ 04:04 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Yeah, pretty much.

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2024 @ 04:05 AM



Best of luck.

What are you looking to study this time around?

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2024 @ 08:25 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Hmm, I might as either pick a language class or a coding class for my sophmore year.

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 08:24 PM

Good luck!

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 08:44 PM

@fragmented_imagination: Thank you! I'm pretty much done with Scholarships now, but I'll will double check real quick.

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