El Thorvaldo Moderator

Maxim Brusilov Character Reference

Species: Human
Birthday: 1965
Age: Mid-40s
Place of Birth: Russia
Height: Standard OFP mesh
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Veteran Russian army general and chief of staff of the Eastern Union's armed forces since DYOS X. Brusilov embodies all the qualities of a paragon soldier, and a humanitarian ethos inspired by retired Canadian general Roméo Dallaire; as Marshal of the Union, he bears responsibility of command with deathly seriousness, strategizing to minimize risk of life and endangerment to civilians of any side. Willing to lead from the front despite his rank, he holds enormous respect by troops of all echelons, serving the military as the father figure Thorvald imagines himself to be to the federation as a whole.

Brusilov first features as a leading character in DYOS X.ii, personally overseeing rescue efforts in the Troubles and heading the investigation into the "Gargantua", before being swept up in the Eurasian defence against the Space Nazi invasion.

  • Brusilov's surname was a case of me pulling a name subconsciously; despite some similarities with Aleksei Brusilov, he is not modelled on the general.
  • Brusilov originated as a character for a suite of custom missions for Operation Flashpoint, that shared a universe with the pre-DYOS comic. He first appeared in the closing cinematic to a stand-alone mission, voiced by me; unfortunately said mission was lost to a corrupted hard drive in the late 2000s. His facemap is Face3 (Bohous), and his voice is Ruslan at 0.8 pitch (Red Hammer or later).
  • His initial appearance ranks him as a general, but the next reference names him a marshal. This was technically a goof on my part, as no soldier has been promoted to marshal in the modern Russian Federation, although it was since rationalized as part of a summary reorganization of the chain of command during the Second Napoleonic War.

Anatoliy Koldanev
De facto deputy and possible personal confidant.

Władysław Czciborycz, Kirill Gedeonin et al.
Fellow brass and de jure subordinates.

Kuraki Tojikawa
Unclear: he meets with her incognito to obtain an as-yet unidentified aid against the Space Nazis. Koldanev implies seeking her out is an act of concern.