@Trezce || Journal Entry

Can you run out of space here?
05 Mar 2024, 01:37 PM

Something I was wondering if here our accounts have a limited space, since in the overview shows that how much storage we've been using. That means it can get completely filled at some point? Also wonder what would happen once it does if that the case? I have 0 programming knowledge, so I was wondering about that since I plan to post a comic in here.

Comments (8)

Posted: Tuesday, 05 March, 2024 @ 08:42 PM

Currently maximum storage after upgrade is 5GB, thought @BadKarma has suggested a third tier may be coming down the line. I haven't tested myself, but presumably once you've reached cap it blocks further uploads. You can shrink filesize by saving/replacing images as .webp, which has both lossless and lossy formats that can be more efficient than both PNG and JPG.

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 11:14 AM

@Thorvald: interesting, gonna look for a way to make my images in webp format. So far, myself I have 0 knowledge of these stuff, but I'll try to do the best I can with the storage I have. Thanks a lot for stopping by 😁

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 05:09 PM

@Trezce: Depending on your software it may have WebP support built in: I use GIMP and it can save .webp with full configuration.

Posted: Thursday, 07 March, 2024 @ 11:34 AM

si hay un limite de posts, lo puedes expandir un poco más con creditos que acumules siendo activo en el sitio, en la esquina de arriba a la izquierda hay un menu que abres y te da la opción de ir a “credits store” ahi puedes comprar mejoras para tu cuenta con creditos.

como ya dije ganas los creditos siendo activo en el sitio: comentando, publicando, dando favoritos a otros posts y siguiendo a otros usuarios, pero tambien hay un limite de creditos que puedes ganar al dia, puedes subir 10 imagenes en un dĂ­a por ejemplo, pero solo 5 de esas te van a dar creditos, hasta el siguiente dia que se reinicia puedes ganar los creditos de otros 5 posts si publicas, igual no tienes un limite para subir dibujos que yo sepa (claro mientras no llenes tu limite xd)

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 11:21 AM

@Camazotz: vaya, no sabía de los créditos y no sabía que subiendo cosas y siendo activo podían ganar más espacio, jaja, yo pensaba que mi actividad causaría el efecto contrario 🤣 Yapos, voy a tratar de tener más actividad por acá, este sitio tiene la ventaja de ser el único que permite modificar los posts. Yo estoy en Artfol y allí uno puede modificar la descripción de una imagen, la categoría o los hashtags, pero no la imagen en si, lo que considero una gran falla cuando se trata de un sitio de ilustraciones, mientras que acá he podido modificar mis dibujos a voluntad. Además que me encanta como s even los cómics acá. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Muchas gracias por explicarme estos detalles, la verdad si los desconocía.

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 05:16 PM

@Trezce: Arfol doesn't let you change the upload?? HAV - Julius Caesar

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 05:35 PM

@Thorvald: Sadly, no. This is an intentional choice because they consider that allowing people to change uploaded images might lead to users posting inappropriate content and make it harder for them to check on reported posts, as a troll might post something wrong just to change it afterwards. Also, if you put an adult filter in the post, you can't change it back, I once added it by accident and I had to delete and post again, because it was impossible to remove.

Artfol is a fantastic site and is the place I'm the most active, but I have to admit these couple of details make its use harder.

Posted: Friday, 08 March, 2024 @ 06:09 PM

@Trezce: There were several months last year where you couldn't replace files here (in an episode of "solve one problem, spawn another" :B ), and the few times I goofed the upload drove me mad. Add to that mirroring my gallery led to touch-ups on dA for submissions a decade old, and I would not survive on Artfol. XD

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