@Trezce || Journal Entry

Update - Also asking what you think about CARA
21 Jun 2024, 08:39 PM

So, off-line I've been trying to find a second job, but to no avail because of the schedules. All what's avalaible where I live gets in conflict with the time I'm working on my current job or is way to far away for me to arrive with public transportation and I would waste part of my salary on that. (and public transportation is getting even more expensive as time is going by) 💔

Though I'm renting my my parking slot in my home, due to not me having a car at the moment, so at least I get those extra bucks for now. Better than nothing 👍

Also I might get some commissions offline, so if things turn allright, my wallet would be very, very :,)

Still, I need to find another extra source of money or be extremely careful with my spendings. 

But, at least with the parking slot rent I feel a little bit relieved, so I can start posting something from time to time.

Also I created an account in CARA, the other art social network, though my intent is only using it as a portfolio and not as a social media. So far, it looks nice, but it doesn't seem interesting to me for socializing and is more useful for posting the artowkr I feel doesn't fit in here or Artfol, like my paintings. But that's just me, some people love it as a sort of artistic IG and many people I used to follow on IG jumped there. What you think about this site? 

Comments (8)

Posted: Friday, 21 June, 2024 @ 09:16 PM

oh man im so sorry about how your luck jobwise has been, hopefully you can find 1! i think that commissions could be a good idea, just a case of finding places 2 advertise yourself, even though you said offline its probably a lot easier 2 find people who would commission you online, but whichever works easiest 4 you!

i dont know if you would have it but where i am in some cases theres ways 2 get public transport cheaper! 4 example ive got this card that gets me 1/3 off train tickets, maybe you could look into things like that 2 see if it would make a further away job more manageable? best of luck with it all!

i have heard about cara but i havent properly visited the site, it seems decent from what i know but i dont think id make an account its just gonna be another account in another place 2 manage..

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 08:39 PM


Thanks a lot, dear. I think I might consider commissions, thankfully renting my parking slot it's certainly a good relief for my pocket. Sadly, here in Chile we don't have those benefits, but in my workplace I got a benefit where I'm financially supported for food in certain supermarkets, so certainly that's something that keeps me relieved 😌 


Thanks for the support ♥️

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 10:10 PM

@4FFLU3NZ4: oh yea, about Cara, totally understandible. I made an account there for very specific works, but I don't plan in being very active there, except for posting my portfolio. I already have enough with Side 7 and Artfol for my more personal content, I especially like how quiet is Side 7 to be honest, Cara in the other hand has thousands of people because of the AI scandal in IG. At least Cara is anti AI, so that keeps me calm.

Posted: Friday, 21 June, 2024 @ 09:54 PM

like my paintings

WHAT why wouldn't paintings fit HERE HAV - Maximilien de Robespierre 3 Seriously, some of my oldest favourites on this site are painted canvas.

"Artistic IG" sums up the reason I haven't gone for Cara: InkBlot confirmed I just don't like social media design, especially when it comes to art galleries, and like @4FFLU3NZ4 I try to minimize the number of different outlets I need to keep track of. However, it's basically the anti-AI alternative to the commercial parallels, and if you think you can supplement your income through commission work it can't but help to broaden your e-presence.

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 11:12 PM

@Thorvald: Aww, thank you! I think I don't feel comfortable sharing my paintings and comics in the same place because these look so different and unmatching that I feel my gallery looks like a mess to me DX 
I tried it before, but I felt very uncomfortable having paintings and comics in the same place, so I think CARA works for my painting stuff and my commission content, but I don't think it works for socializing, at least not for me. I like what the creators try to do and I hope they succeed, but not the kind of site I feel comfortable sharing my more personal stuff, such as here, Faneo and Artfol. I hope it works for commissions someday, but for now I don't think it will work for that as most artists in there are in asimilar situation as myself, haha. Hope I get at least commissions offline and Cara works for showing the stuff people I know might want to see.


Posted: Monday, 24 June, 2024 @ 05:03 PM

@Trezce: @BadKarma relaxed the rule on double logins last year, so one supposes one could create a separate account just for painting... Llama-Emoji-12 (Left and Right) [V1]

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2024 @ 07:27 PM

The struggle is real. Stay tough, though. I hope things fall into place for you soon.

Initially, I was hesitant to bother with Cara, because I loathe apps. They always start out nice, but quickly become riddled with ads, and then it feels like you aren't being seen unless you pay to promote your posts. It's a rat race. Still, though, I went and reserved my main usernames. After looking into it more, I realized I was being a bit harsh. The owner really does seem to care about her project, and I hope that she can find a way to pay the bills while maintaining the great atmosphere. I won't be using it, though. If for no other reason, then because I don't want to add my lower quality art to her server costs. (But, there are other reasons, like.. I loathe apps.) I haven't heard any complaints yet.

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2024 @ 10:54 PM

@Cynicallia: Thank you! Hope so too!

Same, at first I was a bit harsh as well, but it seems nice and the creator does care for the comunity is building in there, though I won't be using it for socializing and more as a portfolio, as it still reminds me a bit to Artstation, though thnakfully this one doesn't support AI. Though I would rather stay here, Faneo (which I use for comic posting in Spanish) and Artfol, so far, the main socials I use. 
Though I've seen artists of all skills joining and I honestly preffer it that way. I already had my experiences in Facebook and Deviantart groups where only pro artists where supported and that's certainly a experience I don't want to repeat. So far, my only complaint was that a bug forced me to create two accounts because I can't access or delete the first account I made. Reggradless of that, I have no complaint.

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