@chasharl || Profile
Chase Harlem

@chasharl (Chase Harlem)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
11 January, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
18 December, 1986
chasharl turns 38 this year.
Sussex, Unspecified
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OK, want do you wanna know about me?
Name: Rebekah (Yes, it's spelt like that) Labertouche.
Age: 16
Birthday: 18th Decemeber
Eye colour: green/brown
Hair colour: a total mix of different shades of brown.

Fighting (as in physically), drawing, writing fanfics, making crap looking websites, playing my playstation, watching movies, hanging out with my friends, the usual stuff.

Favourite things:
Animals - Wolves
Anime - BeyBlade
Movie - Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter
Men - Tom Felton/Orlando Bloom/Alan Rickman/Brendan Frasier
Anime bishies - Kai, Michael and Enrique from

Things people have said about me
'If low-self esteem took on a human form. It'd be you.' (My mother)
'I've had some weird friends in my tme, but you take the cake.' (Fiona)
'The ultimate man obsesser has entered the room!' (Lotte)
'There's a thin line between sarcasm and rudeness. Your just on that line.' (My dad)
'There's bitch, and then there's Bekki.' (Mel)
'It's harder to be who your are, than someone you aren't.' (Said by me. Perhaps the most logical thing I've ever said.)

Yeah, that's about it. I have a habit of snapping at people when I'm angry. I've been through Hell and back more than once. Lets see.... I've had eating disorders, my parents divorce, numberous blows to my confidence and self-esteem, basically a lot of shit that I'm not afraid to talk about.


First up is me in RL Anime style. Yes, i actually have hair like that. Yes my eyes really are that dark and yes, I did have an outfit like that, but I grew out of my top tee, but I still have the black one.

Second is me as SilverWolf (my Alias) That design was for a character of mine called Raine, but that story never went anywhere and that design was originally for SilverWolf's new design.

Thrid was taken about... two years ago. I look nothing like that now. It was in Crete with a guy I had a huge crush on. Taken on my last night in Crete, by a really good friend. I need a more recent picture up here....

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