@ragukokarn || Journal Entry

Fourth week
15 Jun 2024, 09:22 AM

"If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live"
- T. Wiseau

As is traditional in the same way as a running joke that didn't really have a punchline nor a point - just like bitcoin - the weekly ragout cooker journal is here! I swear none of this was planned out. It just happend and now there is a bomb on the speeding journal bus that will explode if Sandra Bullock doesn't figure out how to disarm it. Something something Nicolas Cage with a Russian accent and white doves are in there aswell for good measure. Yes. The bees. They are in his eyes.

On a more serious note, I am now getting Zbrush back up again. Every single time I have to leave it for a while, I forget the quirky things that it does and doesn't do. So it is sort of like relearning over and over again. If you start it up, you better have a plan on what to do with it. It is not the kind of "play around" software you'd be using unless you have a specific idea (and know how to do that..)
It is a software that I have a love-hate relationship to. It is so complicated to do what you want to do, yet there is really nothing quite like it that have all these insane levels of control and complexity. It is an industry standard for a reason.
If you go to ArtStation for a visit, you will see why that is. It is worth suffering through the learning curve and adapting to the utterly bizzarre UI. Adding the GPU render option to it means I can make very pretty looking things. I believe there are some specific settings I need to explore. A general rule of thumb is that, in true Zbrush fashion, nothing usefull is in plain sight nor have an understandable name. Iykyk.

Today I will start doodling some ideas down for the projects I intend on making soon. I already have a few ideas but need to flesh them out a bit first and also come up with a few more.

9 more days. Mentally I already left work. I have absolutely no idea how days go by at this point. It is all a big blur of unhealthy amounts of coffee, pointing fingers at me and me not giving a crap about anything. There is a fitting Cranberries song about zombie in your head but I don't know its name.

No special shout-outs this time. I do see some intresting new things happening though.

Journal officially branded with the TealDeer badge for authenticity.


Comments (6)

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 02:09 PM

Sounds like my relationship with Blender. I've used it many times for different projects, but every time I take a break from it I have to relearn it. And many of its useful tools are hidden away, too.

I'm so envious of your time off. But, my time off will be in late August. I'm going to Scotland for a week, so that should be fun. But, yeah, I fully understand being completely checked out of work way early.

-- BK

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 05:14 PM

@BadKarma: They just keep adding to that program, it is genuinely impressive how much you can get out of it today. I do have it installed, but rarely use it. It doesn't quite fit in to the pipeline without atleast some conversion issues. I hope you find time for some of that in between all the other things you do :)

Oh? That sounds awesome. Scotland would be very cool some day. Plans have been made but never executed. Being a fan of malt spirits from the smaller isles (especially Islay), I can imagine it would be quite an experience going there some day.

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 07:50 PM

This started as a banger with the epigram and it only got better from there. XD Would that I could advise your software woes, but the last time I transcended two dimensions was via Sheezy's Forbidden Technique. ;_;

But I can at least cheer you on from the bleachers. Bunny Emoji-89 (Cheer) [V5]

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 08:56 PM


Oh damn, I accidently deleted the comment with the intention of editing it to remove a bunch of nonsensical blank line breaks. But forgot to copy c the the full post :( 

The ragout cooker journals took on a diegetic form, so things must be contained. Creating a context - no matter the reason or logic - creating a subset of reality. playsound("neo_woah.wav"),44,15;

I would not trust the sheezy crew to understand anyhing beyond the flood of elonbird mediocrity they have to deal with.

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 09:17 PM

@ragukokarn: Oh jeez, someone mentioned Sheezy was attracting the terminally-online crowd. Is it already that bad?

Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2024 @ 09:24 PM


I can't say if that is the case in 2024, but it certainly was back in 2022 (ish?). The Sheezy crew themselves even called it "influx of the riff raff" back when it started happening. I do not have a screen cap or anything to prove this, but it sure happened.

Relating to that and what I mentioned earlier; an artist twitter post could indeed make something like that happen.

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