hiya, I'm (rather) new. And trying out many a thing. (my carrd is so full with links to almost empty profiles). im mainly a tumblra/deviant due to preferring archival/gallery websites and non-professional vibe.
few thingos- my art stash is chonky thick, the clear [1gb] storage shown on profile is deterring me from uploading much or at all, as I don't like having to pick and choose between stuff. I know it can be upgraded.. to 5gb? I don't think that's enough either/ the cieling being there just scares me by simply existing. I don't exactly have much in terms of bucks either and I can't do much interacting/participating, so I don't think I'd earn anything from that to upgrade it anyway.
are journels for artist status stuff specifically or do people also write fic's in them? Where do fic's go?
the character thing looks cool, though I haven't used it yet. is it limited to OCS or can include characters from media? also, is there a limit?
ive noticed in the art uploads thing that there's no 'use original image' selection(?). are all art images on here left as the original without any resizing or compression?