@Fihyn || Journal Entry
Fin Art

should I be in the discord?
19 Jun 2024, 09:16 PM

sooo I haven't joined the side7 discord yet even though I have and use discord for plenty of other things 🤔 mainly because I just really enjoy forum spaces xD forums feel more homey to me in general and I like being active in a place where the forum engagement is really good.

but it does also occur to me that maybe site updates or notices might be posted on the discord before the site itself :0 or if something needed quick communication like a bug, it might be better to be plugged in on discord too.

idk I'm on the fence; if you're in the discord and have any thoughts, do you mind sharing them with me? c:

Comments (6)

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 @ 10:41 PM

It doesn't hurt to join in. It's pretty quiet most days, but there are channels for art WIPs, advice, memes, music sharing, and self promotion. I've had to adjust my Disc settings to stop playing animated stickers, though, and I keep the main channel muted. It gets too distracting for me to see my taskbar flash so often whenever a new user joins and gets greeted by a wall of sticker spam. Peeps are pretty nice, though, and it's a good way to quickly reach BK or someone else if you find a bug or want feedback on your sketches.

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 05:48 AM

@Cynicallia: it does sound like a nice place to be! ^^ I'll think about it some more but I may just go ahead and join sometime in the next couple days

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 01:37 AM

Everything @Cynicallia said. But, yeah, feel free to join even if it's just to report a bug or ask a question. I don't make any announcements in the Discord that aren't also made on the site News section. So don't worry about missing out on anything like that.

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 05:47 AM

@BadKarma: that's good to know! I'm gladt to hear it :]

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 09:25 PM

@Fihyn: I had bad experiences with a gaming group where one GM would leak update info early in the chat, and so anyone going only by what was posted to the forums often ended up several steps behind the diplomatic backstabbing that ensued during "orders lock". ||||||:^{3>

Unfortunately I must recuse myself from this specific discussion. Llama Emoji-10 (Shy) [V1]

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2024 @ 06:36 AM

@Thorvald: 😂 that sucks but I think the side7 discord would be less corrupt!

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