@Saimain || Journal Entry
Adele Lorienne

16 Jul 2024, 04:29 PM

I know it has been 10 years since I had last been on here, to be honest I had totally forgot about this place. I had a lot going on and to be honest I didn't think I was going to come back. I had originally forgot the password to this and the email I had used originally got locked (someone probably had stolen it and locked it out.) 

I was actually afraid I would have to make a new account if I couldn't log in on this one. 😭

But I got all that sorted out and I am now back here. I took down all the really old stuff and I will update with newer stuff as well as some of the better quality of art that I had originally up. 

So please bear with me.

The ONLY other galleries I DO have are: Side 7, Art Station, bsky, Cara, Aaroko, OurArtCorner, Artfol, and artgram.

Also I DO NOT have DeviantART Gallery, Sheezy.Art Gallery, Twitter Gallery, Instagram Gallery, Tumblr Gallery, Artician Gallery, CGHub Gallery, and ImagineFX Gallery everything there IS stolen.

-Adele Lorienne

Comments (12)

Posted: Tuesday, 16 July, 2024 @ 05:37 PM

Welcome back! As you can see, the site's been considerably revamped just within the past year, so hopefully you find it much more suitable to your purposes. :)

Posted: Tuesday, 16 July, 2024 @ 05:41 PM

@Thorvald: Thank you so much! I like how it is now then I did back 10 years ago lol

Posted: Tuesday, 16 July, 2024 @ 07:19 PM

Hey! Welcome back! Glad to see you!

Posted: Tuesday, 16 July, 2024 @ 08:05 PM

@BadKarma: Thank you so much for the help.

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 02:58 PM

Nice to meet you! Your art is beautiful and I'm glad to check it out! 

I'm somewhat new here, but the site looks pretty neat so far :)

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 03:08 PM

@Trezce: Hi! Nice to meet you too! I hope you like it here! And thank you so much for liking my art!

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 03:33 PM

@Saimain: No prob (and thanks for following me back, by the way c: )

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 03:53 PM

@Trezce: Your most welcome and thank you too!

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 08:39 PM

Oh, that is fascinating. 10 years and then returning here.. 

Welcome back! :) I look forward to see what other cool art you have in store.

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 09:14 PM

@ragukokarn: Thank you!! I have a lot in store just need to get everything sorted out and uploaded. 

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 11:13 PM

Nothing like coming home after some time away. 

You have some serious talent and your art detail is impressive! VERY well done and can't wait to see more.  Welcome back!

Posted: Thursday, 18 July, 2024 @ 12:21 AM

@ajfox: Thank you so much. 

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