I'll want at least one deputy ('Co-Founder') who can handle administration in my stead, so as to maintain chain of command, and avoid episodes I've encountered on chat servers where the admin went AWOL for months and we got locked in with abusive mods. Co-Founders will be responsible for upholding the forthcoming code of conduct among Group staff, ensuring we stay up to date with Site announcements, and adjudicating moderation disputes, including promoting and demoting lower-level users. Optimally, can check in at least once a day and can provide authoritative correspondence to the public regarding official S7 policies.
I'll also want lower-level moderators ('Contributors') to help police user interactions, i.e. shut down flaming and censor abusive actors in accordance with the code of conduct. Not responsible for, but can pick up the slack on, news bulletins &c. in the admins' stead, and answer general inquiries as comfortable. Optimally we can get enough people active in different time zones that we respond promptly and minimize gaps in oversight.
General Members don't count against a user's admin cap and don't have administrative authority; they can be fast-tracked through the (optional) approval system for submissions to the Group gallery and favourites. No real quota for this; I'm mainly thinking of people willing to spread the word and/or share promotional art.
In terms of the Group's initial gallery content, I'm thinking transcripts of S7's key policies and page screenshots showcasing site features. (For the latter, I'm making a specific appeal for third-party donors—more names to the project will boost strangers' confidence, plus if we're showing off an art site, best do it through actual artists. )
Making a tooltip for user discretion is ingenious.
I'm gonna be a pedant and recommend swapping 'sentient' for 'sapient' – the former simply means capable of sensory experience, the latter implies self-awareness. Robots can be sentient, but they're not yet sapient.
P.S.: The 'T' rating section for Literature currently includes "Content within this audio recording..." :B