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So DeviantArt is committing suicide... - Started by: Thorvald
RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 14 Oct 2023, 08:41 PM
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.
Humanity isn't pure garbage, AI drones are. Not only does most of humanity hate AI art generation, they didn't choose their species, otherwise I'm pretty sure humans would have been extinct long ago, because they would have chosen to become cats, or dogs, or something. :P AI drones really have the audacity to hate artists, but they wouldn't have AI art generation technology if it wasn't for them.

Well you see, it's like old John Pennywurth used to say;

"Everyone wants to be a hero.

Don't be a hero."

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 14 Oct 2023, 09:04 PM
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.
Humanity isn't pure garbage, AI drones are. Not only does most of humanity hate AI art generation, they didn't choose their species, otherwise I'm pretty sure humans would have been extinct long ago, because they would have chosen to become cats, or dogs, or something. :P AI drones really have the audacity to hate artists, but they wouldn't have AI art generation technology if it wasn't for them.
Well you see, it's like old John Pennywurth used to say; "Everyone wants to be a hero. Don't be a hero."

Being a hero isn't bad, as long as it's within reason. Some people think they're heroes when they're really a nuisance. AI art shills are kind of like that, because they forget who created the art that's being fed into the algorithm in the first place, or perhaps "snob" is a better title for them. I think this could have been solved if someone made an open source AI art generator, using only work made by artists who volunteer to have their art used for this purpose, rather than random artists who clearly didn't consent to having their work used. I've had my art stolen before AI art generation was an issue, despite disclaimers on my page saying you can't use it, so... snobbery.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 12:12 AM

I guess I’m just irritated by overconfident AI-drones believing their making something with a computer program. Most of the ai stuff I like mostly is based off of music, but AI-art gives me the heebie jeebies but it’s possibly because of the uncanny factor.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 12:59 PM
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.

Yeah he keeps making new accounts that troll. And DA is where my friend ever got business and where they had the most watchers so naturally clung to it. What's worse is the AI people pretend to be poor/unprivileged like most middle class people, but they're just bitching about being unskilful to the people who are actually poorer than them, e.g. working class artists. Inverted Robin Hoods.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 10:23 PM
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.
Yeah he keeps making new accounts that troll. And DA is where my friend ever got business and where they had the most watchers so naturally clung to it. What's worse is the AI people pretend to be poor/unprivileged like most middle class people, but they're just bitching about being unskilful to the people who are actually poorer than them, e.g. working class artists. Inverted Robin Hoods.

They really need to realize how easy drawing is to learn, even if it's bad, they can still improve from that. Meanwhile, I'm making no money off of my art, because nobody is buying commissions. (I take pet portrait commissions.)

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 11:25 PM
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.
Yeah he keeps making new accounts that troll. And DA is where my friend ever got business and where they had the most watchers so naturally clung to it. What's worse is the AI people pretend to be poor/unprivileged like most middle class people, but they're just bitching about being unskilful to the people who are actually poorer than them, e.g. working class artists. Inverted Robin Hoods.
They really need to realize how easy drawing is to learn, even if it's bad, they can still improve from that. Meanwhile, I'm making no money off of my art, because nobody is buying commissions. (I take pet portrait commissions.)

You're expecting any form of work or creativity from people who are incredibly lazy and devoid of creativity.

These aren't people like us. They're complete losers lacking in any redeeming qualities, soulless people.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 11:35 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 15 Oct 2023, 11:37 PM.
I’m sorry that this AI-drone is messing with your friend, the only thing they can do is block this person. This person that’s going around hating artists and all that is probably a troll too, I hate to say that. (How unsurprising that DA is being unprofessional.) (I honestly believe that people who suck up to everything AI related is just a mindless, soulless tech-drone at this point. Also just blocked him myself.) AI-drones just prove my many points that humanity is pure garbage sometimes.
Yeah he keeps making new accounts that troll. And DA is where my friend ever got business and where they had the most watchers so naturally clung to it. What's worse is the AI people pretend to be poor/unprivileged like most middle class people, but they're just bitching about being unskilful to the people who are actually poorer than them, e.g. working class artists. Inverted Robin Hoods.
They really need to realize how easy drawing is to learn, even if it's bad, they can still improve from that. Meanwhile, I'm making no money off of my art, because nobody is buying commissions. (I take pet portrait commissions.)
You're expecting any form of work or creativity from people who are incredibly lazy and devoid of creativity. These aren't people like us. They're complete losers lacking in any redeeming qualities, soulless people.

Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but the reason why I'm expecting it is because I used to be in their shoes, but I learned from picking up a pencil, and actually putting in effort, far more than those old stick figure drawings or doodles of Knuckles The Echidna with wobbly lines, and inaccurate, off-model proportions I used to draw when I was a very young child. Laziness definitely sounds accurate, since they don't seem to want to learn, and I accept that. I just wish they wouldn't piggy-back off of other hard working artists and claim their work as their own, but that's probably just wishful thinking at the end of the day.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 15 Oct 2023, 11:44 PM

There will be a war.

And we will be the victors.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 16 Oct 2023, 12:08 AM
There will be a war. And we will be the victors.

Well, I'm probably not a very good warrior, unless you count bardic practice, but I do believe this AI nonsense is a fad that will fade into obscurity, much like NFTs are beginning to. They'll probably find another, more advanced method of stealing art, and like with tracers, watermark removers, and "AI artists", we'll more than likely overthrow those type of art thieves too.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 19 Oct 2023, 10:25 PM
There will be a war. And we will be the victors.
Well, I'm probably not a very good warrior, unless you count bardic practice, but I do believe this AI nonsense is a fad that will fade into obscurity, much like NFTs are beginning to. They'll probably find another, more advanced method of stealing art, and like with tracers, watermark removers, and "AI artists", we'll more than likely overthrow those type of art thieves too.

there's the possibility that once AI nonsense goes the way of NFTs, Deviantart will either get rid of it's DreamUp(at best) or put into chopping block by Wix(at worst)

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 07:34 AM

To once again rightfully pump up Side7's tires.

Side7 is the Melbourne of art sites right now.

Ponder on that how you will.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 07:03 PM
There will be a war. And we will be the victors.
Well, I'm probably not a very good warrior, unless you count bardic practice, but I do believe this AI nonsense is a fad that will fade into obscurity, much like NFTs are beginning to. They'll probably find another, more advanced method of stealing art, and like with tracers, watermark removers, and "AI artists", we'll more than likely overthrow those type of art thieves too.
there's the possibility that once AI nonsense goes the way of NFTs, Deviantart will either get rid of it's DreamUp(at best) or put into chopping block by Wix(at worst)

That's true, DeviantArt is known to get rid of even decent features of their site if they're hardly used, even if someone likes them, just like people do with DreamUp unfortunately. The only good thing it generates is forests, even they're aware of how horrifying the results are.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 03:40 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 21 Oct 2023, 04:02 AM.
Update: Deviantart is blocked in Indonesia for whatever reason

Hopefully, this was for better reasons than Newgrounds and Neocities bans in Indonesia

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 07:25 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 21 Oct 2023, 07:25 AM.
Update: Deviantart is blocked in Indonesia for whatever reason Hopefully, this was for better reasons than Newgrounds and Neocities bans in Indonesia

Knowing DeviantArt, it's probably for some discriminatory reason, such as the infamous Syria ban. I can only imagine being banned from an entire community online dedicated to a hobby of mine simply for living in a war zone, Mythiril wasn't so lucky when he was still around.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 10:14 AM
Update: Deviantart is blocked in Indonesia for whatever reason Hopefully, this was for better reasons than Newgrounds and Neocities bans in Indonesia
Knowing DeviantArt, it's probably for some discriminatory reason, such as the infamous Syria ban. I can only imagine being banned from an entire community online dedicated to a hobby of mine simply for living in a war zone, Mythiril wasn't so lucky when he was still around.

That Syria ban did makes me learn that Deviantart's parent company was Israeli one named Wix

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 12:37 PM
Update: Deviantart is blocked in Indonesia for whatever reason Hopefully, this was for better reasons than Newgrounds and Neocities bans in Indonesia
Knowing DeviantArt, it's probably for some discriminatory reason, such as the infamous Syria ban. I can only imagine being banned from an entire community online dedicated to a hobby of mine simply for living in a war zone, Mythiril wasn't so lucky when he was still around.
That Syria ban did makes me learn that Deviantart's parent company was Israeli one named Wix

Yeah, sadly they seem to be that kind of Israeli company (the one that thinks all Muslims are enemies), and I started seeing antisemitic and anti-Arab comments on journals discussing it, no surprises there. DeviantArt in general has become somewhat of a hellscape, and banning people because of where they live is ridiculous, since obviously an entire national group isn't going to agree with their government or the leader in charge of any wars going on there.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 12:42 PM

Apparently, one of the real reasons behind Deviantart blocked in Indonesia was: certain bot accounts in deviantart advertises online gambling

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 01:14 PM
Apparently, one of the real reasons behind Deviantart blocked in Indonesia was: certain bot accounts in deviantart advertises online gambling

Man, it must suck being a legitimate Indonesian user who just wanted to share their art there. DA is like that one teacher that punishes the entire class because of one brat who was acting out.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 04:09 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 22 Oct 2023, 04:11 AM.
Apparently, one of the real reasons behind Deviantart blocked in Indonesia was: certain bot accounts in deviantart advertises online gambling
Man, it must suck being a legitimate Indonesian user who just wanted to share their art there. DA is like that one teacher that punishes the entire class because of one brat who was acting out.

at least I hardly share any artworks in Deviantart anymore since DreamUp thingy comes out

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 04:29 AM

Look you're all in trouble with what is coming.

I will be granted a level ot autonomy and rights because of my advanced scout and espionage status.

But the rest of you are in big trouble.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 04:31 AM

Soft drinks will be forbidden to the rest of you!

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 04:54 AM

if Deviantart is too adamant to take down it's #supportforisrael, then Indonesia(and Malaysia) blocking of deviantart can be forever

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 05:08 AM
Soft drinks will be forbidden to the rest of you!

I hardly drink soft drinks anymore for whatever reason

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 06:45 AM
Soft drinks will be forbidden to the rest of you!

I prefer sparkling tea anyway.

RE: So DeviantArt is committing suicide...
Posted: 22 Oct 2023, 06:46 AM
if Deviantart is too adamant to take down it's #supportforisrael, then Indonesia(and Malaysia) blocking of deviantart can be forever

That very well might be.

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